Finished: DC3HAM Maintenance at 7st Mai 2021 by Lumen

Dear customer,

according to our announcement below, the scheduled network maintenance by our carrier Lumen was finished. All systems are up and running.

However if you encounter any problem please contact:

Best regards
Your MCON Managed Services Team

Announcement from 30th April 2021:

Dear customer,

please be informed about the following  scheduled network maintenance by our carrier Lumen (former CenturyLink) in the Datacenter DC3HAM.

Lumen intends to carry out internal maintenance within its network. This has been designated as ESSENTIAL. The nature of this work is to carry out fiber cable work. This GCR is to create a joint between former PEC network Frankfurt – Dernbach to Segment F Frankfurt to Katzenelnbogen. During the maintenance window you may experience one period of outage to the maximum specified below.

Lumen would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by this maintenance.

The maintenance is scheduled for :
2021-05-7 from 00:00 till 07:00 CEST (Central European Time)

We will test the systems after the maintenance window and inform you about the status.

Best regards
Your MCON Managed Service Team